California Medigap

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California has special rules for Medigap carriers.

Per state law:
Beneficiaries enrolled in Medigap plans can change to a "like" plan on a guaranteed issue basis on their anniversary date so you can always be enrolled in lower cost plans available in the state. If a person already has Medigap insurance, they have 30 days of “open enrollment” following their birthday each year when they may buy a new Medigap policy without a medical screening or a new waiting period. The new policy must have the same or lesser benefits as the old policy. To avoid confusion, the new law specifies which of the new Plans are equal to the old Plans.

To take advantage of this rule, you must:
1) Live in California
2) Have an active Medigap plan
3) Switch to a Medigap plan with same or lesser benefits
4) Be within 30 days of your birthday

Rates and Information

Rates in California are determined by a composite of your age, tobacco use, your sex and which part of the state you live in. Health insurance rates are reviewed and approved by the elected Insurance Commissioner in California. The insurance commissioner reviews and approves rate changes and keeps the rates for every plan in the state here
California Rates & Companies. Use this link to the office of the Insurance Commissioner to see plans (and possibly out-of-date) rates for all companies in the state.

California residents should always check out Medigap prices as their birthday approaches. The best way to get a quote is to click on the Medigap Quote button below. If you find the same plan for less with a different provider or just want to get on a less expensive plan, we can help you switch. For questions, call the number at the top of the page. To learn more, visit our medigap overview page.

If you would like to speak to someone to get faster assistance call (800) 547-1567 to speak to a licensed broker. Otherwise fill in the form below to help us work up some rate comparisons.

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